Pure-Col, a 100% pure collagen formula in tablet form, provides the ideal solution for gym-goers, athletes and sports people alike seeking physiological maintenance. It is also a grea...
What Is Collagen?
Collagen is the strong and stretchy glue-like material that holds our body together. Collagen is what makes our skintight and elastic. When you’re young, your body makes a ...
Relation Between Collagen And Hair Loss:
Wondering what is collagen and how does it help in hair growth? Well, collagen is a protein that promotes hair growth. Collagen has become an integral ...
A great mood and hormone balancer for women of all ages suffering with PMS and menopause, providing a natural soya based alternative for those wanting to maintain a feel good factor.
Recommended dose:
Up to six times per day 3 months supply recommended for best results.
A unique lotion combining collagen with aloe vera, Pure-Col, PainNoMore™ relieves pain from...
Recommended dose:
3 month supply recommended for best results. One aloe gel capsule for daily maintenance and 2 – 4 capsules daily for more severe conditions.
Aids Digestion:
Aloe has lon...
How to use:
Topical Perfect Aloe Gel is not only excellent for first aid and dry inflamed problem skins.
Anti-ageing Aloe & Pure col collagen Mask instructions:
Add a little to so...
Customer of Pure-Co include major league footballers, rugby stars and leading athletes.
3 months supply recommended for best results.
Taking a collagen supplement has been scientifical...
Suggested Use:
Pet-Col collagen capsules - 3 months supply recommended for best results.
Maintain healthy joints, muscles and bones
Assists with general aches &...